Thursday 12 January 2012

Rosie posy tea cosy!

I've been working on this tea cosy for over a year. By that I really mean... I finished the plain green part of the tea cosy and then never got round to knitting all of the flowers and leaves to go on top. So as part of my 'finish all WIP's' new years resolution, I got my self motivated and got knitting!

I was inspired by Alice's spring explosion tea cosy over at Crochet with Raymond, you can see her patterns on Ravelry here.

I crocheted the large lilac rose and the red layered rose using my book Crochet Bouquet and the rest of the knitted swirly roses were made from one of my Christmas presents Really wild tea cosies.

I'm so pleased with it and so glad I finally got round to finishing it. It looks so fun and colourful and looks really pretty on my table so that I get to look at it all day long! 

It's all made with Stylecraft yarn that I had left over from other projects, so a really good project to do to use up old scraps that you have lying around.


Rose has started doing a new thing today. She keeps pretending to have gotten herself stuck around the house in places like under chairs, next to the sofa, next to the table and then makes this fake whiny noise until one of us comes to her rescue! I purposefully don't go over to help her (obviously checking that she is Actually stuck!) and I even caught her peering round to see if I was looking! These cheeky nearly-one year olds! haha

Right, I'm off to decide what to get working on next!
I hope everyone's had a lovely Thursday.



  1. So envious of you, i'd love to be able to knit. Such a pretty cosy, you should be so proud of yourself!!My two year daughter likes playing the 'I'm stuck' game only she shouts "STUCK" until someone goes over to her - of course she's never really stuck.

  2. That's beautiful and well done for getting it out done and out of the WIP pile!
    Kandi x

  3. That looks really lovely Ash. Maybe I should have a finish everything off session, only trouble is I think it will take me a whole year to do that!!

    Lots of love xx

  4. Ooooh it looks soooo nice!! It's definitely one to go on my "must knit" list.

    Bless Rose, how funny she is!! They never fail to make you chuckle with their ingenuity!!


    S x

  5. Beautifully sweet! I'd be sitting at the table, drinking tea and dunking biscuits all day long with that to admire before me!

  6. Oh wow, I love the tea cosy, it is such a lovely book, I ought to try to do one as I too have so many small amounts of Stylecraft yarn that I keep moving around the place.
    Rose is so cheeky and ever so cute.
    Lots of love Mum xxxx

  7. Lovely makes having a cuppa even more enjoyable seeing your finished work on display x

  8. Gorgeous tea cosy Ashley - I love the roses (and am now picturing them made into a big brooch to adorn my new coat.) Great photos too...
    Emily x

  9. Love this!!!
    So nice to drink tea from a pot with such a pretty cover

  10. Pretty tea cozy, the flowers are just perfect. I've yet to make one, yours has me inspired!

  11. Hey Ashley, congrats on finishing that WIP, it looks there's lots of tea drinking going on at the moment, hehe.....

    Enjoy all those funny things Rose is doing.....believe it or not they grow up so quickly.

    Have a fab weekend,

    Claire :}

  12. that really is the mint green and the florals on top- so pretty x in love with the spotty cup too x

  13. Gorgeous! I would love one of these..thanks for the links :)x

  14. Beautiful tea cosy. It's one that's been on my list for ages......have to learn to knit first though! ha ha!

    Awww bless Rose, it's the loveliest thing watching them learn new things......ahhhhh time just flies by....sigh.....xxxxx

  15. That's a beautiful tea cosy! Lovely, lovely. Although I'm guessing your teapot is pretty lovely too! Lovely pictures too. Nearly-one-year-olds and one-year-olds are a crafty bunch indeed, mine loves to drop things and when you pick them up he fires said object across the room and giggles with delight when you go to fetch it! Teehee they make me laugh

    Helen xx

  16. Ooops! I think I say 'lovely' a bit too much!

  17. Wow, it is really lovely. Well done!

  18. Awwww bless her! :0)

    love the tea cosy, so pretty!

    Have a lovely weekend with Rose X

  19. Oh it's gorgeous! You must be so pleased! I would love to be able to make such a beautiful tea cosy! xx

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