Thursday, 18 August 2011

Snippets of my day...

♥ Catching a few minutes to do a little more to my blanket. I'm not sure why but the outside rows around the inner squares are starting to look a bit wobbly, it's like I've done too many clusters and so the outside section is a little bigger than the inside. I really can't be bothered to unravel it all to figure it out though.. lazy I know! But it won't actually notice when Rose is snuggled up with it and I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day to start all over!

♥ I do love the way the colours look together now though, I don't know why I was worrying before. Maybe when I give it a wash and block it, it might lay a little flatter... hopefully..!

♥ Enjoying a peaceful cup of coffee and catching up with blogs after getting back from a friends birthday lunch and Rose was happy napping upstairs. Every one's kids were with us so we went to Pizza hut because kids eat free, but I'm not the biggest fan and it definitely hasn't helped me with Slimming world this week. I've really been struggling to lose these last few pounds but I now only have 1lb to go! I've been trying to eat so well this week and I hope the cheesy pizza slices haven't ruined it for me!

♥ Rearranging the front room... months ago I started making the little hearts like on Attic24 but I got distracted by some other project or another and didn't quite do enough. The big twig (it was already dead on the floor when I found it in the park) looks a little bare, so I will have to churn out another half a dozen or so.

♥ Working on some birthday gifts for a best friend... the ribbons went on a little wonky first try, but it looks more handmade and shows the love that went into sewing it.. that's what I'm telling myself anyway! ;-)

♥ I also seem to have become Completely addicted to Pinterest, there so many gorgeous inspiring pictures to gaze at... I just don't seem to be able to limit the time that I'm spending on it!
You can have a quick look at my boards here.



  1. Love your blankie and your twiggy hearts. I should do some of those as I have loads of twigs in my back garden. Oooh I feel another project coming on. x

  2. wow, the blanket looks gorgeous, i do love the hearts, i am making a lot of snowflakes at the moment, but feel a heart invasion coming on. The pizza is a treat, you deserve it.
    Mum xxxxx

  3. your blanket looks lush xx love the twig display might have to try that

  4. Look at you, skinny minnie! That last 1lb is nothing, you look gorge. Eat pizza, my friend!

    Your blanket looks lovely, so I take it you are joining as you go. Where did you learn to do that? I need to give it a go... (your blanket doesn't look lumpy or anything to me... are you sure you're not just being a perfectionist?) What yarn are you using?

    Don't you just love those moments with a stolen cup of coffee and a few minutes reading blogs? I've found so many to read these days that it takes up so much time though!

    Hope all's well with you.

    Nicki xx

  5. Your blanket looks lovely! Gorgeous colours. Am following you on Pibterest now. xx

  6. Obviously that was supposed to say Pinterest. Me and my typos! xx

  7. The blanket is turning out beautifully! You are right. Once Rose starts using it, there will be no telling about the wobbly edge. I can't tell from the pics even. ;-)

  8. Love, love, love your blanket! Fabulous colours. I wouldn't worry about a wobbly edge - I bet no-one else would ever notice. I certainly can't see it in your pics. Have a fab weekend!

  9. Joining in with everyone else, the blanket looks lovely!!! I love the colours! And I know what you mean about the Pinterest, I often do the 'just a quick look' and end up spending ages on it. Enjoy your weekend! Kx

  10. Ashley your blanket is lovely, the colours are gorgeous. It might take me a while to master something like this.
    I love Pinterest too and could look on there for hours.

  11. In my eyes your blanket it perfect and lovely clours too!
    I dare not look at Pinterest, even though I'm not working, I can't warrant the time to take a peek in case I get addicted....

    Have a great weekend,

    Sandie xx

  12. Your blankie is looking a treat Ashley, blocking will make it flat and is well worth it I promise ;0)I have also become addicted to pinterest and have wasted many an hour away pinning all that gorgeous inspiration out there xox Have a lovely sunny weekend x

  13. Beautiful Ashley, do not worry about the flaws you can see because nobody else will; especially darling Rose!

    Thank you for sharing your snippets.

  14. When I visit your lovely blog.... I can dream!
    Annamaria from Italy

  15. Wow - you have been busy. The blanket looks gorgeous, even with the wobbly edge, which certainly wouldn't worry me! We have the same coffee cups!

  16. The blanket is lovely xx

  17. I love the blanket. I'm in the middle of making one at the moment but I've got a long way to go to finishing. I daren't look at Pinterest in case I get addicted. I haven't succumbed to Facebook or Twitter either, blogging takes up enough of my time.

  18. Hello , Just discovered your blog. Love, love love that blankie and I like the twigs decorated with little hearts idea.

    Leah x

  19. Love the blankie,gorgeous colours,well done on your weight loss xxx

  20. all this sounds marvelous! i really have to learn how to kneet : )

  21. Your blanket is so pretty! I love the colours.
    And don't talk to me about pinterest -hours seem to disappear before my very eyes once I log in. Bad mummy.
    Have q good week.

  22. Hello what a sweet blog!

    I also have developed a bit of an addiction to pinterest!


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