Sunday 1 April 2012

Baby lambs with a bit of dishwasher surfing thrown in!

I uploaded these photo's on Friday but it's taken me until now to be able to write the words to go with the photo's! It hasn't been a particularly manic weekend, just one of those ones that doesn't give you enough time to sit down and relax with the laptop for a little while..

On Thursday Ray had taken a day of annual leave and we had a little family day out. We drove up the road to a place called Gaston farm where they currently have open-lambing taking place. They do it every year but this was the first we had heard of it and didn't really know what to expect..!

All of these ewe's were due to give birth to their baby lambs at any given moment, the farm has hundreds of lambs being born round the clock so you had a good chance of seeing one being born and luckily we did! We thought we had been unlucky and wouldn't get to see anything but after a trip around the farm we popped back to the lambing area to see if anything was going on and fortunately for us they were just about the lamb a sheep and they were going to try and foster an orphan lamb with the new mother. The birth was incredible to see up close and they successfully managed to foster the orphan lamb which was lovely to see, I won't put the photo's on here though as they might be a little too graphic for some people! haha

This photo isn't particularly flattering of either Ray or I but Rose looks so cute about to stroke the lamb that I couldn't resist!

These lambs were just a couple hours old.. awww! :-)

I jumped at the chance to hold one of the orphan lambs, I think this was actually the same one that was fostered to the other ewe. It was so calm and relaxed laying on my lap and at one point was actually sleeping  on me. There were little children holding the lambs but I think I may have actually been more excited than any of them! haha Very mature!

Rose got her first opportunity to stroke a baby chick whilst Daddy held it, she kept going all shy and grinning after each little touch of the chick. 

Very sweet and I was relieved she was nice and gentle with the little thing!

We had a really lovely time at Gaston farm on Thursday but what made my whole day even better was that I got recognised from my blog for the first time! I don't think I stopped mentioning it to Ray for the rest of the day but I thought that this is the closest I'll ever get to feeling like a celebrity so I'll enjoy it! haha 
It was a lovely lady called Georgie who was there with her reception class and she was ever so friendly, thank you for coming over Georgie..! She has her own blog here, pop on over and say hello of you can. :-)

....and just to leave you with a quick snapshot of a daily occurrence these day's. This is what I have to deal with whenever I want to empty or fill the dishwasher!!

Who knew dishwasher surfing could be so much fun!??



  1. Lovely photos! Rose is adorable. X

  2. Oh! Your pictures remind me of my Oma and Opa's farm where we would catch the lambs in butterfly nets and then cuddle them until the slept. Oh the memories!

    Careful with Rose on the dishwasher door. Our youngest like doing that too, but one day ending up snapping the hinges and now our door won't close properly! UGHH!!

  3. ove the picture of Rose and her daddy with the little chick. A one finger pet. Just love little lambs. They are such a sign of Spring. She looks like my grandson in that dishwasher. They have had to remove cabinets and doors for all his climbing. Then he fell at the sitters and had to have surgery by a plastic surgeon to repair his sweet little face.

  4. Squeeeee! Little lambs and baby chicks!!! It's all to cute :) so so sweet and those pics of Rose stroking them are precious :) Wowsers, amazing someone knew you from your blog!! Hahaha, that must of felt funny! Dishwasher surfing is amazing fun....for puppies as well!!! Grrrrr :)

    Hope you all have a great week x

    Jo x x x

  5. Rose is such a sweet girl, that's lovely how she was so gentle with the animals! Love the lamb pictures - we (my brother and me) had lambs when we were little which were orphaned, it was so fun to feed them and look after them. They are so cute when they are so tiny, they do grow up fast though! Have a lovely week, Jenny x

  6. Awww, what a lovely "lamby" day! :D

  7. Beautiful!! Lovely blog ~ I'm now following! So nice to "meet" you!
    Anne ♥♥

  8. What cute pictures. I love sheep! We have an open farm near us and it started out as a real farm but over the years its migrated to more of a theme park which is such a shame because it originally gave little ones an idea of what a real farm was like. Lily. xxx

  9. PS - Yup, my daughter loves to dishwasher surf too! I'm just waiting for the dishwasher to break...

  10. Awww the lambs are lovely! What a fab day. I have a little dishwasher surfer too, I wonder what is so fascinating, emptying and loading is so boring!

  11. What a brilliant day! My lot used to dishwasher surf when little, now it's the whippets forever trying to stick their noses in!

  12. Lovely photos, looks like you had a great time. We are hoping to go over the Easter break, have never been before but looks like a great place and so cute to get to hold the baby lamb and chicks :)

  13. What a wonderful day. I think you look great in the photo all together and my goodness, Rose looks so like you doesn't she? Never mind surfing the Dishwasher Rose, you need to get onto stacking the Dishwasher - help Mummy out! (lol!)

    S x

  14. It looks like such a fun day out! Those little lambs are just adorable!
    I haven't seen dishwasher surfing before..that was a sport I was totally unaware of :P haha
    Have a great week :)

  15. Looks like your farm trip was a great one and you've taken some lovely photos. Rose is so cute dishwasher surfing! xx

  16. Thank you for including a link to me in your post Ashley - I've had loads of traffic over at mine and a couple of comments, which is very exciting for a novice like myself :0)
    And Rose is such a cutie - Dishwasher Surfing looks like a craze that could catch on!! x

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