
Saturday 26 November 2011

Macaroon mayhem!

This is my first attempt at making macaroons, they are mint chocolate flavour... I think I added a little too much green food colouring though as it just looks like they're filled with green slime! They're pretty wonky and the swirls aren't very neat as I had to make do with sandwich bags instead of a piping bag... all a bit messy I have to say!!

I loved watching The Great British Bake Off when it was on the TV and as a surprise Ray came home with this book the other day. I was completely over the moon with it as it's layed out so brilliantly inside and the photo's are gorgeous.

I decided to give macaroons a try as I've never eaten them before and wanted to see what the fuss was all about. To be honest... I'm not that impressed. I didn't have a clue what to expect but their just too sweet... I thought they'd be a bit crunchier like a cookie but the texture of them is completely different to that. Plus they were just so fiddly to make and I had to manage doing all of the different stages in between dealing with Rose, cooking us dinner and putting Rose to bed. I'm much more of a fan of simple cakes and things!

I finished wrapping all of my Advent swap gifts today, all a bit last minute... as usual for me!
I completely forgot to take pictures of everything before I wrapped it up and so I'll have to rely on my swap partner to take a picture once she's unwrapped everything.



  1. Hi Ashley,I dont think they look bad for a first attempt well done.I only do easy baking nothing to fussy but my daughter would try these.Love Jill xx

  2. Wow, they look fab!! I've always wondered what they taste like, they always look so pretty!!

    I'd love that book, I thought about asking for it for Christmas but we have to go on a proper helath kick in the new year so I decided it wasn't such a good idea!!


    S x

  3. My Mary Berry book is my kitchen bible! I've never tried macaroons either and always wondered if the taste nice as they look like a lot of effort! I might have to put that book on my wish list :)

  4. Oooooh exciting!!! Hahaha I've just finished wrapping up yours too! In the box now just needs to be sealed and sent! I've not taken any pics either :)

    I've never had macaroon either so was interested to read your thoughts on them! I might continue to give them a miss then!

    Have a lovely Sunday :)

    Jo x x x

  5. Hello, your macaroons look fab. Like you. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so yessterday whilst in Lille for the day I forked out 17.50 euros for a box of 12. I handpicked all the lovely flavours and the guy put them in a beautiful box with ribbon and everything. And I know what you mean. What's all the flipping fuss about! I am eating them, but they're making me feel a bit sick!
    Ah well, you live and learn. They looked nice anyway.

  6. Well, you can't beat a good old fashioned Almond macaroon me thinks!
    I've benn fanying one or two all week and being my birthday today and having dropped enough hints to my Sis, I thought there might have been one or two in my birthday parcel....No!
    Far healthier, I got a wonderful pendant and 20" silver chain, it looks good enough to eat LOL!

    I always thought the type of macaroons you made would be really tasty, glad you made them, now I don't have to!

    They look pretty impressive though, well done!

    Have a great week,

    Sandie xx

  7. What dreadful spelling in my last comment...I've been fancying, not, 'benn fanying'!!(sounds rather rude!).


    Sandie xx

  8. Oooh they look lovely, and your parcels for the advent swap-how busy you have been!
