
Tuesday 29 November 2011

A couple of projects, new purchases and some major broodiness!

When my auntie came to visit for the day a few weeks ago she taught me how to do foundation patchwork and I absolutely love it.
I do want to learn all the other types of patchwork properly but foundation patchwork is really quick to do because you don't need to neatly cut out the pieces of fabric, so it provides you with some quick satisfaction!

I've mid-way through knitting a pair of hand warmers from a skein of yarn I got when I was back in Bridport after my birthday.

I wanted to knit quite a simple pattern because the yarn is so beautiful and the straight stocking stitch really shows off all of the lovely colours. I haven't worn my pale pink cable had warmers as I decided to give them away as a gift, so I'm looking forward to having these to keep my hands warm with all this chilly weather!

I bought some pure wool in cream and pink, I really want to learn how to knit in Fair Isle and I have this idea of knitting something for Rose with cream as the background colour and the pink for the pattern... another thing to add to the list of things to do!

Another purchase with some birthday money... this wool is So incredibly soft and I plan to knit some kind of cable hat for myself. Annoyingly the pattern I love calls for slightly more yardage than what I have, so I'll have to find another pattern that I love just as much.

One of my friends from a toddler group that Rose and I go to has had her baby. He's called Fabian and is Tiny! (Rose was never a 'tiny' baby!) He is such a content and calm baby, that he got me incredibly broody!
Rose was so intrigued by him and was so gentle when touching him, that it got me thinking how lovely it will be for Rose to have a brother or sister to play with one day.

Right, I've got the munchies so I'm off to go get myself a chocolate brownie. Yes... I've been baking again! This whole 'healthy-eating before Christmas' thing isn't really going to plan..!



  1. Love the patchwork....the colours all go so nicely together!

    Healthy eating before Christmas rarely goes well! So far today I've eaten far too many yummy things......I blame Marks and Spencer!


  2. No no no no no........ enjoy just Rose for a bit longer. I left my socks that i am making for Jasper at Knit Club tonight so have to pop back in to get them tomorrow, message me if you want me to pick up another hank of that wool xx

  3. Such a tiny little baby.....far too cute and I can understand you feeling broody! Two little'uns definitely suits you :)

    Jo x x x

  4. Love the mitts yarn, it's gorgeous! What is it??

    Also, brownies... ummmm!

    S x

  5. Ahh, A little brother or sister would be sooooo cute x x x x

  6. All that yarn is making me feel nice and cosy.

    I love your patchwork - it is one of my favourite of crafts, but as for babies - I think I've had my fair share and I know the hubby would run a mile if I suggested another one.

    Have a lovely day,

    Nina x

  7. Lovely creations and what a cutie little baby! We were going to pick Fabian if we had a boy but we had an Esme Rose instead.

  8. Love the patchwork and yummy yarn!!

    S x

  9. Gorgeous makes Ashley! What a pretty effect foundation patchwork has! I've never tried that before.
    ...I am swooning over all that scrummy yarn and those knitted mitts are looking fab. Whoever recieves your pink cable fingerless mitts as a gift is very lucky as they are stunning! Wish I could knit like you!! :)

    Hope you and your lovely little family are keeping well.

    xx Louise xx
