
Thursday 24 November 2011

Coughs, colds and lots of birthday cake!

Rose and I headed back to Dorset the day after my birthday, we had such a lovely time.. we ended up staying for 5 nights! It was Really lovely to come back home again though, so nice to unpack.. getting the washing on and get back into the normal routine of being at home.

Whenever I go back, it's never completely relaxing because I always have a lot of people that I want to see before heading back to West Sussex. On one day, Rose and I made not one, two or three visits... but Four visits to see different family and friends. It was a really lovely day, but we were both pretttty tired after all that talking and catching-up!

I've had a truly awful week of bad eating though..! Ray baked me a birthday cake which was lovely, I baked some lemon angel fairy cakes, my Nan baked a birthday cake and my auntie Lettie bought a yummy chocolate caterpillar cake! This week I'm trying to make up for all that cake and I'm trying to resist all the goodies..!

The downside of our visit was that I came down with a stinking cold. I have asthma which meant that it went straight to my chest and I've had an awful cough since. I've been on antibiotics and thankfully it's almost gone away now... it really reminds me of when I last had a chest infection though, when I was a week away from my due date with Rose. I was so scared that I would still be feeling so poorly when I went into labour with her, I had to make 3 different appointments with my GP before they finally gave me the antibiotics which cleared it up. But anywayyy...

I had a great time when I went round to my aunties house one evening, she's had a Major sort out when my mum went to visit of all of her craft things and had put aside a pile of things for me to look through. I've now got a whole load of lovely fabric to work my way through, Loads of gorgeous quilting magazines, some books and lots of foundation patchwork patterns. :-) Thank you Lettie xXx

This is my Great-grandad Dooks, Rose's Great-great-grandad.
She really is a heavy lump now which makes it a bit more difficult for him to hold her, I was trying to give her her lunch and Dooks was sneakily giving her bits of his chocolate cake. No wonder she's a fussy eater, now that she's got a love for chocolate!

I've been busy knitting with some wool I got from the gorgeous new yarn shop that has opened up in Bridport. I'll have to take a picture tomorrow to show you though so that I have better light...



  1. Hope your cough goes away completely really soon. That is such a sweet photo of Rose and her great-great Grandad!

  2. Looks like you had a lovely (if hectic!!) time with your family!! Mr G is amazed that Rose has a Great-Great-Granddad!!

    Cakes sound yummy!!

    Hope your cough is better soon!! H has been off school two weeks nearly with his cold/cough/ear.

    Sounds like you got a good haul from your Auntie, I love new craft stuff, especially when it's free!!


    S x

  3. I am glad you like the bit's and bobs. It is funny, how, now that I know that you and Mum would like some bits it made sorting out so much easier x

    Lovely photo of Dooks and Rose xx

  4. Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly :( I do hope you cold goes away quickly!.... Glad to hear you had a nice time away in Dorset with Rose though... it is lovely to have a good old catch up with the special people in your life :)
    Looking forward to seeing what you are knitting...I have been getting busy with my yarn of late, in fact thats why I have been so bad at keeping up with my blogging...oopsie... it's just SO addictive though isn't it?

    Enjoy your weekend,
    Louise xx

  5. What a lovely post! Birthday cake made/bought by other people doesn't contain any calories......

    Your hols with family look lovely, how nice to catch up with everyone, and how blessed for Rose to have a great- great grandad.

    Glad the antibiotics hav kicked in, I have asthma too, and a bad chest just saps you of all energy doesn't it.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. What a lovely visit, your grandad looks so sweet! Hope you feel better soon, I have a bad cold at the moment and am up at 2.30am reading blogs because of it - gggrrr silly viruses!

  7. What a lovely post, i am pleased that you had a lovely time. The photo of Rose and Dooks is so lovely, a precious photo to have.
    Love you lots
    Mum xxxxx
