
Tuesday 30 August 2011

Giveaway win and a gift of cake-bunting!

I was really lucky to be the winner of the giveaway over at Hookin with laalaa,
it was the book 'Make!' by Cath Kidston and I love it!

Thank you Lynda! x

There are so many lovely things to make in it, including some gorgeous greetings cards (there are a few birthday's coming up soon..!) which are so cute.

I love this embroidery on this cardigan, it's so pretty and would be a lovely project to do...when I finish my other WIP's!

Aren't these egg cosies so lovely and pretty..!?

A couple of weeks ago I received a lovely gift in the post, from Jooles at Sew sweet violet.
Isn't this cake bunting just gorgeous, it's so sweet and will look perfect on Rose's 1st Birthday cake... okay, I know Jauary is a little way off yet..! But it is beautiful :-)

Thank you Jooles! x


Monday 29 August 2011

Photo memories of Dorset and some retail therapy!

 Whilst we were back in Dorset for a few days my cousin josie lent me her SLR camera so I could have a play around and see if I wanted to eventually get one myself... an Oh my gosh! It took Such nice photo's and it was lovely to be able to take some close up shots of flowers and not have to take about 20 photo's on my camera before finally getting a good one.

I thought I would take a moment to show you a few of my favourite photo's and I will put all of the rest onto my Flickr account very soon.

My Nan has the most beautiful garden ever, it's all very well kept...(unlike mine!) but then again I don't don't think I've ever phoned her in the day when she hasn't been outside working on something or other out in the garden.

I had a little time to work on Rose's new baby blanket and I'm now just finishing off the edging, very exciting!
It won't be long until I will be doing a 'Ta-dah!' post all about it.

I had some brilliant retail therapy whilst visiting a craft centre with my auntie :-) 
Nan baby-sat Rose for me so that I could have a little 'me' time and it really was lovely. When you've had a baby I think you start to get so used to having the baby with you 24/7, that when you are on your own you feel a little strange without them. I managed to not call to check she was okay myself... although did get Lettie to do it for me!

I bought this ball of gorgeous 'Rico Creative Galaxy' wool and Love it. Apparently it's quite a new one and it has these tiny little sequins in it which make it look very pretty, I'm not entirely sure what I play to do with it but maybe a cowl or something like that...

We also went to my first quilting fabric shop and I bought my first jellyroll..! I was drawn towards a particular jellyroll as soon as we entered the shop and tried to tell myself it was just too expensive but in the end I just couldn't resist. I've now started working on my first quilt for Rose (photo's will come soon) and feel so excited about it, sometimes I wish I could be happy with concentrating on just a couple different crafts to get on with though...


Saturday 27 August 2011

Jammy tarts!

Well I gave the jam tarts from The book a try..!

They are most definitely not allowed on the diet...

But are ever so yummy!

A couple won't do any harm... surely...


A verrry exciting parcel!

 Hello again!
Well, we're back from Dorset... after a journey that took nearly 3 hours when it should have been 2. Although it really could have been a lot worse, Rose slept for pretty much the whole journey and I didn't hear a peep out of her even when she was awake. I was so worried that she'd get grumpy and seeing as I was on my own, I wouldn't have been able to do anything to stop her crying... but she was brilliantly behaved. Phew!

I had such a lovely time, it felt like it really had been far too long since I'd been back. So it was really nice to see friends and family and have a catch-up, Rose and I definitely did a lot of socialising! It's always lovely to go back home, but it never feels like a holiday because you end up trying to fit in seeing everyone in such a short amount of time. It does feel lovely to be back in my own home though and be able to relax a bit..!

My cousin lent me her SLR camera whilst I was down and I had great fun taking photo's with it, but I have something else to tell you about first so I will have to do another post with some of the photo's from our trip back to Dorset.

I had a VERY exciting visit from the postman today :-)

So whilst Rose has been doing some of this...

I've been doing a little of this..!

My newest and definitely most favourite craft book arrived today, I had pre-ordered it from Amazon after reading about it in a magazine and am so thrilled with it. It's called 'Queen of Crafts' and is written by the same girl that started the Shoreditch Sisters WI group and it's packed full of gorgeous idea's to make and do.

                                                               Everything from baking...

To patchwork...

To kitchen gardening..!

Today I plan to make these...

I'll let you know how it goes!


Sunday 21 August 2011

Finally some sunshine, so let's get out the BBQ!

We spent the day with Ray's family today and as they had some other family visiting, we had a BBQ. It was so delicious, but yet again... I ate far too many goodies. Ice cream... chocolate chip cookies... I couldn't resist any of it! I just don't have the motivation to lose that last 1lb as I'm so nearly there and pretty happy with how I look... I can't make the SW meeting anyway this week so it doesn't really matter!

Rose was complete spoilt with cuddles and attention.. I can't believe how well behaved she's been today. It's always a relief when she's on good form when spending time with family that we don't see very often, I don't want them thinking she's a little terror when she's generally very well behaved.
She's got 5 teeth now and *fingers crossed* we haven't had to many sleepless nights from the teething... although she does seem to wake up at 5:30am every day now! Oh how I wish for the day's back when she slept from 7pm til 7am.. I think I took them for granted somewhat!

A new purchase....
The other day I popped into BHS before going into Sainsbury's as it's right opposite and in the sale were these gorgeous place mats. I love them. They go so well with my red tablecloth, I have some floral place mats that go with my CK tablecloth. Oh how I do love a bit of colour co-ordination!

I had a lovely scrummy parcel arrive the other day.
It took a few weeks to arrive, but it did warn me that it might take a while on the website. 
It's a gorgeous colour pack from Rico Creative cotton. 

I'm not Entirely sure what I plan to do with it yet... but it does look quite lovely sat in my yarn stash waiting to be used... haha I'm sure I'll find a suitable new project soon but I do really want to finish a few things first.

I've got on quite well with the baby blanket, I've just got another 4 rounds of the last colour to do and then I will decide on which edging to use. So exciting..! It's looking a lot less wobbly now though thank goodness, it seems to look better and better with each round that I add. I was a little worried that it would look rubbish and I would have no choice but to frog it back to the granny squares stage.

I've ordered a freehand foot for my sewing machine and can't wait for it to arrive so I can get going and practicing. I plan to use it for my auntie's birthday gift, but I can't say what I plan to do as she will read it on here. For it I need lots of scrap fabric's in different colours and patterns but don't have loaddss of money to spend.. does anyone know where the best place for me to get the fabric is? I also need to buy some fabric for other projects, which websites are the best?

Tomorrow is going to be spent packing for Rose and I because on Tuesday we're off to Dorset for a couple of days. I'm so So excited to go back and see family and friends as I haven't been back for quite some time now and I'm going to meet up with some friends that haven't even met Rose yet. It's going to be a lovely couple day's, I just hope that we have Some sunshine when we're there!


Oh, I nearly forgot to say... I've won the giveaway over at Hookin' with Laalaa!
I'm so so happy as I've been wanting this book for so long now... and I'm finally getting it! :-)

Thursday 18 August 2011

Snippets of my day...

♥ Catching a few minutes to do a little more to my blanket. I'm not sure why but the outside rows around the inner squares are starting to look a bit wobbly, it's like I've done too many clusters and so the outside section is a little bigger than the inside. I really can't be bothered to unravel it all to figure it out though.. lazy I know! But it won't actually notice when Rose is snuggled up with it and I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day to start all over!

♥ I do love the way the colours look together now though, I don't know why I was worrying before. Maybe when I give it a wash and block it, it might lay a little flatter... hopefully..!

♥ Enjoying a peaceful cup of coffee and catching up with blogs after getting back from a friends birthday lunch and Rose was happy napping upstairs. Every one's kids were with us so we went to Pizza hut because kids eat free, but I'm not the biggest fan and it definitely hasn't helped me with Slimming world this week. I've really been struggling to lose these last few pounds but I now only have 1lb to go! I've been trying to eat so well this week and I hope the cheesy pizza slices haven't ruined it for me!

♥ Rearranging the front room... months ago I started making the little hearts like on Attic24 but I got distracted by some other project or another and didn't quite do enough. The big twig (it was already dead on the floor when I found it in the park) looks a little bare, so I will have to churn out another half a dozen or so.

♥ Working on some birthday gifts for a best friend... the ribbons went on a little wonky first try, but it looks more handmade and shows the love that went into sewing it.. that's what I'm telling myself anyway! ;-)

♥ I also seem to have become Completely addicted to Pinterest, there so many gorgeous inspiring pictures to gaze at... I just don't seem to be able to limit the time that I'm spending on it!
You can have a quick look at my boards here.


Saturday 13 August 2011

Progress on the baby granny squares and some other rambling's from me..!

Well, I've been going as fast as I can on these squares!

I think Ray is getting a little fed up of me crocheting alllllll the time... I work away at the colourful squares any spare moment I have... When I get up early with Rose, if I'm lucky to get a chance during the day, after dinner, whilst watching some tv and before going to sleep in bed!

He likes the fact I'm a bit creative and enjoy making things. But I think he thinks that I've been glued to my crochet for the last few day's... (well it is a bit addictive!).

I'm choosing the colours at random, although they all have the same coloured centre as I thought it would be good for them to all have some kind of likeness to one another. I hope they end up looking good together though! They might just look too random and all-over-the-place and then I would have wasted a lot of time!

I'm going to have the centre section of the blanket made up from small granny squares and then a few rounds of treble clusters in a small selection of colours, I've no idea what colours these will be yet though!

Rose and I had a love day-trip out on the train earlier on in the week to meet with my cousin for a bit of retail therapy in Southampton. We had such a great time, well I know I did anyway..! :-) 
It was lovely to have a trip out somewhere and going on the train with Rose was a real novelty. I was surprised at how well behaved she was, I didn't have to get her out of the buggy once on the way there, as she just grinned at everyone that walked by and was completely mesmerised by everything whizzing by outside.
It was perfect timing on the way back because as soon as we got home, she was well and truly ready to go up to bed. We seem to be back to normal on the teething front, another tooth has appeared but she's not been suffering with it like she was with the other front top one. 

One of my purchases was from John Lewis, 2 gorgeousss Rowan yarn. It was in the sale and I love it. :-)
I think I'm going to knit myself some sort of cowl with it... the colour will brighten up those dull winter day's!

I was so chuffed to win one of the giveaway prizes from Kelly @ Handmade at Home.
Some lovely purple yarn and some vintage knitting needles. I lovvvee the colour of the yarn, it's so rich and I'm enjoying thinking of something to make with it..

Okay, I'm off to carry on with my squares!

We're off to Ray's parents tomorrow and that involves a lot of time sitting down and drinking tea whilst Rose is played with and held by others... (i.e Crochet time for Ashley!)


Wednesday 10 August 2011

And the winner is............

Ray and Rose helped me to draw the winner for my giveaway this morning and the winner was......

Thank you to everyone that entered my giveaway, I was amazed at the response I got to it and I'm so chuffed to have so many more followers. So hello and welcome to any newbies!

As you can see Rose LOVED helping out.. somehow we ended up on the floor with the contents of the bowl! She stayed rolling around with the strips of paper for so long, for some reason she found them completely fascinating!
(Sorry the carpet looks a bit grubby.. I swear I hoovered a couple hours after I took the photo!)

We've had a lovely day today, Ray was working until 3pm so Rose and I went for a picnic with a dear friend and her kids. It was great to get out and about, plus the weather has been so gorgeous and sunny today... if a little breezy but I can't complain! 

I'm off now to get on with a little more of Rose's new baby blanket...
I've managed to get a few more squares done today, so I will try and get a photo taken tomorrow to show you how I'm getting on.


Sunday 7 August 2011

Weekend away.

As you can see the banner part of my blog has had a little make-over... thanks to the lovely Sarah at Shabbychicsarah. I have admired her banner for quite some time now, as it looks so lovely and professional. I then saw that Cuckoo had asked about it, so I also thought I could ask how to make a banner like it myself. But as I am somewhat lacking in computer skills and adobe photoshop... Sarah sent me an e-mail kindly offering to make a banner for me. She asked me what colours and photo's I'd like to have on it and then got to work, it was so nice of her and I really am very grateful. Thanks Sarah!

Right, onto the events of the weekend!

Fortunately for us as well as her, Rose's teething pain eased up quite a bit over the weekend. This meant that we were able to go and stay at our friends for the weekend for a BBQ and to spend some time with them on the Sunday.
I had actually texted them on the Friday afternoon to say we weren't going to be able to make it as Rose was as cranky as ever and I thought I should give them some warning if we weren't going to make it so someone else could stay in the spare room. But she replied saying  we should just saying see how it goes over-night and thank goodness, Rose slept through that whole night... until 8am! I couldn't believe it! So we decided to still go stay over the weekend and I'm so glad we did as we had such a lovely time and as they're getting married soon, it was really nice to catch-up.

Rose here.. enjoying the sunshine whilst Mummy enjoys a glass of Pimms! :-) I don't know why I bother putting shoes on her little feet. It doesn't matter how many toys she has surrounding her, she always goes for the velcro on the shoes!

She seems much much happier now, a few grizzly moments. But nothing that a little Calpol and teething powders won't help me with..! Thank you so much for all of the advice everyone gave me on my last post.. I was feeling pretty stressed and it was so good to be reminded that other people have also gone through the terrible teething times also. I rushed out and bought every single teething product that was recommended! haha

I also managed to get a little hooky time on the journey over there which was lovvveelly. Haven't had much time for that over the last few day's with miss grumpy! I'm following the Attic24 pattern for some granny squares, I've decided to make another baby blanket for Rose. I love the ripple blanket but as we use it everyday, it would be nice to have one to alternate it with... not only for washing, but so I have something different to look at.

And last but not least I thought I'd leave you with a photo of some houses I came across the other day. I just Love the country cottage garden feel that these garden's have got to them. They look so picturesque and the turquoise coloured front door is very pretty indeed.

Okay, off to bed now incase I'm not so lucky tonight with Rose sleeping through...


Thursday 4 August 2011

What would I do without Calpol!?!

Today's been a bit of hard day so far...

Rose has cut her first top tooth and she's is really suffering with it. She woke this morning crying, but when Ray went in to get her she was still half asleep. I think the pain must have woken her and then she got herself in a complete state and was crying like I've never seen before. But Oh the relief! when the Calpol kicked in and she was all chilled out laying under her play-mat. She already has 2 bottom teeth but I think we were just really lucky with those as they just seemed to appear with no fuss at all! Can any of you mum's out there recommend any brilliant teething products..?! Help!

She's been a bit all over the place today but is currently upstairs having a nap and she's been sleeping for 2 hours! Heaven! Well... not that I've been doing anything exciting with that time. Just scrubbing the kitchen to within an inch of it's life! I do feel a lot happier when it's all shiny and clean... until about an hour later when all my hard work seems to be erased!

But on to much more exciting things..!
I was very happy to come across a Gorgeous giveaway over at Sew Sweet Violet.

You should pop on over there and you could win yourself some beautiful bunting!
Sounds good to me! :-)


Tuesday 2 August 2011

Things to make me smile ♥

Some of the different things I've enjoyed today...

♥ New flowers blooming in the garden even though it is looking a little neglected.
I had some help from Mum when she came to stay to help cut back some of the overgrown greenery that had suddenly 'appeared'. I just find it quite hard with Rose to get out there and get a big chunk of the garden sorted... I'm in awe of you mum's of multiple children out there, that can keep your garden looking lovely and well-kept!

Isn't the colour just gorgeous..!?

♥ I've used the hamper that all of my goodies came in to store my bright coloured stylecraft yarn. It's waiting for me to finish my current projects and then I have something in mind for it all...

♥ A couple of new purchases... Some beautiful buttons from I'm currently knitting something for Rose from the Ethical Twist wool that my Mum gave to me and I'm planning on using a few of the blue canvas buttons. They're so lovely and really weren't very expensive at all.

♥ Some of the last remaining sweet peas from my garden. I dont know whether they've stopped flowering and started to seed because of the time of year.. or whether it's just because I haven't been picking them enough. I don't have much knowledge about gardening.. it's all a bit of a guessing game for me! Hopefully over the next few years I'll begin to feel like I know what I'm doing...

Hello to all my new followers that have come over from Coco Rose Diaries. Lovely to have you here! :-)
Thank you so much Vanessa for writing about my giveaway.

