
Wednesday 22 August 2012

A little photo round-up post...

I thought I'd just share a few photo's that I'd uploaded the other week of recent goings on around here before it's way too late... I just didn't get round to it before and I'm now running behind on things I need to share with you all.

Rose is getting bigger and bigger every day, she's starting to grow into those big feet of hers! She's now 19 months old and I'm 24 weeks pregnant with this little bubba, he's been kicking like a good'un lately!

We've been enjoying time outside when the weathers been nice, thank goodness we've finally had some sunshine!

The gardens looking... okay-ish! It took a bit of a battering with the awful weather we were having and now it's just been so dry. This wouldn't be such a big problem if I actually remembered to water the garden! Our little courtyard garden is so sheltered which is lovely most of the time because the wind never bothers us out there but the soil does tend to be quite dry as the rain just doesn't reach some parts of it very easily.

 I try not to do the watering when it really hot in the day but then when it comes to the evening I'm focused on sorting Rose out for dinner then bed, then our dinner... and then I just completely forget to go out and do the watering. Can I blame it on baby brain and the fact I have an awful memory at the moment!?

This is only a very small post as I'm currently writing another about my crafty makes at the same time... keep an eye out for the next post soon. :-)



  1. Gorgeous photos thanks for sharing :) so cute!

    Bee happy x

  2. Oh my she is getting big and she is so adorable. That smile!!!!!

  3. Rose is so pretty! I'm looking forward to seeing all your new crafty makes! Cx

  4. Your daughter is growing so fast! Now we need a pic of that baby belly! My kids are 21 months apart. They are teens now but oh my!! When they were young.... what a handful!! :)

  5. your little rose is so adorable!
