
Monday 18 June 2012

A quick peek at what I'm working on...

It's my Nan's birthday soon and I've been busy trying to finish her present in time, I just don't seem to have as much 'get up and go' at the moment and sometimes struggle to find the motivation to get working on things. I have so many WIP's at the moment that I need to get finished!

I started this paper-pieced patchwork quite a while ago now from a template that was given to me by my auntie, I'm making my first mini quilt to hang up on the wall and am struggling to decide how I will quilt it all together.. hhmm...

My friend has just had a beautiful baby and myself with a couple of other friends went round to hers for lunch. I was to provide something sweet for an after lunch treat and I made a chocolate fridge cake... and I have to say it went down Very well! I'm in denial about how many pieces I had myself but it's not I eat it everrryy day.. I would if I could get away with it though! Yum yum... :-)

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend..?! It was a nice sunny one here which makes a change to the Constant rain we've been coping with!



  1. Hello love. The patchwork looks lovely. Nice colours. Keep am eye out for postman xx

  2. Such pretty fabric Ashley and your fridge cake looks yummy x

  3. such pretty fabrics, love the patchwork ;0)xx

  4. MMmm the fridge cake looks lovely. I had something similar as a treat in Costa on Saturday but I bet yours was nicer. I love the colours in the quilt - I am sure your Nan is going to love it. Lily. xxx

  5. Oh la la! I am not sure of which one I love the most... Your paper pieced quilt top or the chocolate caramel treat. Yum! Yes, how do you actually quilt a piece like that? I would like to know. Maybe Selfsewn would have some advice as she is fab at paper piecing in general. ♥ Annette ♥

  6. Your lucky Nan - that patchwork is beautiful. I love love love chocolate fridge cake, what a thoughtful gift to take for lunch with your friend and her new baby xx

  7. Oooooh I will FORCE you to bring me some fridge cake next time you pop over, it looks LUSH!!!!!
    Is it the same as Rocky Road?
    Right my dear, I am in a rush but I wanted to say your nan will really love the gift. You are a bit too clever it seems!!!
    xx x x

  8. Love love love that quilt pattern it's a beauty! Looking forward to seeing the finished article. x

  9. What a pretty quilt! One of these days I'll get myself organised! And as for that chocolate fridge cake... mmmm!
    Sandra x

  10. Beautiful patchwork Ashley. I am just beginning quilting and have posted my WIP for my first piece. Take a look and tell me what you think. Your colour selection is perfect! Those yummy treats look delicious as well! Good luck with your pregnancy!

  11. Your quilt is coming on lovely, I'm sure your Nan will be thrilled with it. The cake looks yummy, one of my favs! xx

  12. Yummy looking cake and lovely looking quilt xxx

  13. I love the gentle looking quilt, it has relaxation written all over it.

  14. Love your quilt and the fabrics, your nan is going to love it. The fridge bakes look very delectable.
    xx Sandi

  15. Just arrived here while blog-hopping and thought i'd say hello, it's always noce to have new visitors isn't it.
    I love your quilt, I love topaper peice too. Cngratultions on your pregnanacy, I am bit older than you and looking forward to grand children :-D
    My brother just moved to Horsham, so I am looking forward to exploring the county of Sussex.
    Nice to meet you.

  16. I just found your blog and became a new follower (: Can't wait to come back for more posts...Hope you have a lovely week!!

