
Tuesday 20 March 2012

A week away so time to catch-up.

We've been away for the week and only just seem to be getting back into routine now even though we got home on Sunday night! 

It doesn't help that Rose is suffering with teething at the moment (sorry if it seems like I'm constantly going on about it!), I swear she's got about 4 different teeth all trying to come through at the same time. I've tried all kinds of things to relieve some of the pain for her but nothing seems to make her much happier at night time. Someone suggested Anbesol but Boots is out of stock so we've ordered some online, desperate measures for desperate times! Last night she woken at almost exactly every hour and a half.. finger's crossed tonight is a different story.

This was my Mother's day present for my Mum, it's a bookmark in case anyone was wondering..!

She said she really liked it, so I was happy with that. My freehand sewing on the machine definitely needs some practise though!

I found this cute little red heart button in my button collection and think it makes it look quite cute.

These were my daffodils from Sarah which she gave to me before we went to Gems for lunch last Monday. Aren't they gorgeous?

I love the way daffodils seem to bring the Spring inside your home when you have a bunch of them in a vase somewhere and their such good value for money usually. 

I thought I'd show you the house plant my Nan gave me when she came to stay, isn't the colour lovely..?! I was very relieved to see it hadn't died on me when we arrived back home on Sunday night, fortunately I had remembered to water all of the plants well just before we left...

The garden's looking a lot more 'alive' these days, it's lovely having a bit more colour out there.. I'll miss this garden so much wherever we move next, I think it's just because it's my first proper outdoor space but according to Nan she's going to help me move Every possible plant with us to our next garden so at least I won't have to start our all over again! haha

Right, time for bed! I'd reallllyyy love a whole nights sleep, nothing would make me happier in fact!


  1. The bookmark you made is very sweet! The flowers all look so lovely in the gardens right now, and your anemone photo is stunning! Hope Rose's teething is soon done with and that you can have a restful day after the wakeful night.

  2. Poor you, sleep depravation is the worst thing. Miss Fairy was breastfed and woke up every two hours for months on end it seemed. I would be so tired that I had to put a safety pin on my nighty to show me what side I needed to feed her on next!! You never think that you will get through it at the time, but then suddenly they are a teenager and you wonder how it happened! Dev x

  3. Those flowers in the garden look lovely, such beautiful colours. I hope you managed to get a better nights sleep last night my love, it sounds awful x x x x

  4. lovely post, lovely flowers started to bloom in spring in your garden...i hope you had a lovely time...My twinny still breast feeds nights some afternoons with her two year old...she is suffering with a cold and also sleep deprevation
    as her rosie is waking up a lot. Teething must be hard for babies and the only way they can tell you is by waking/crying...I hope tonight you get some few hours well deserved sleep my lovely xxxx you mothers gift of a book mark is lovely too!!!!...think ive said lovely quite enough!, but it all is just LOVELY!!!! XXXX

  5. Such a pretty bookmark! Hope Rose is soon over her teething and you can get some sleep. Could someone look after her one afternoon so you can have a little nap?

  6. Just a small note from a fellow sleep-deprivation sufferer! Hope you managed to at least take a daytime nap with the little one. Thanks for spreading a little more sunshine with those gorgeous photos!

  7. I do so hope you all get more sleep. Teething is the pits!

  8. Here's hoping tonight is better for you. Been there with my two. Anbesol is brilliant, much better than bonjela I always found. Love the daffs. I love how it is acceptable to have fresh flowers in the house every day when daffs are in season, they're so cheap! xx

  9. I remember the teething thing! Little Son slept very well until he started teething and then it was just awful. It seems such a waste when they all start going wobbly and falling out again. Poor little things to have to go through it. Hope you get some proper sleep. Lily. xxx

  10. Love your bookmark- such a gorgeous gift to give.
    Poor Rose, I hope the teething eases up soon. (I am a terrible mother and gave both of mine Mediced, even though they were technically too young to have it. It worked, though!)
    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Hi Ashley
    What a pretty bookmark,perfect for your mum and of course the Spring. I do hope Rose's teeth cut through soon. I remember those sleepless nights and the rosy cheeks and even temperatures at times that Alice had. Take care and I hope the sun shines for you all this weekend xox
