
Friday 30 December 2011

Our Christmas 2011

I have so many posts in draft form at the moment with all the photo's but not very much writing. I've not really felt much like sitting down to write my blog in the evenings since getting back from Dorset and then when I do feel like writing in the day, Rose has other ideas!

She's going through quite a clingy phase at the moment, if there are other people around she'll be straight over playing with them as I think she gets a little bored of me! But if it's just us in the house she just wants to constantly be sitting on or (more realistically) climbing all over me. This wouldnt be a problem usually but if I'm trying to get 5 minutes on the laptop and sit up to the desk, she has now taken to bashing the keys as hard as she can with her little podgy hands. She has one of those baby toy latops but apparently my boring black one is wayyy more fun!

Anyway, here are a few pics of us at Christmas. (I've stolen a few photo's from my cousin, thanks Jose!)

Lettie loved the hexagon blanket, thank goodness! I knew it was a nice blanket but after the Many hours working on it... I did start to doubt whether I liked all of the colours together but now I feel much more confident that it did look really nice. I've taken some photo's of it laid out on our bed to show it off a bit better but they are in another draft post so I will have to get organised and get that posted on here.

As far as I can tell Rose enjoyed her first Christmas, she really didn't realise that it was a special kind of day but she definitely enjoyed all of the attention and cuddles she got from everyone in the family whilst we were down. Maybe that's why she's being clingy at the moment... hhmm...

She was spoilt with lovely presents from everyone, we need to get going on those Thank you cards!

She got an a whole big sack of presents from her Nana, she was a very lucky girl although it was much more fun for me opening up all of the presents.. Rose helped with a couple and then kind of lost interest!
Thanks Mum x

All in all it was quite an eventful Christmas, my Great-great grandad got a little too merry in the pub whilst going for his annual drink with the other men in the family, he was the happiest I've ever seen him! But then Ray went next door to find that he had taken a tumble after waking from his nap, he ended up with a big black eye and had hurt his head so couldn't make it to our Christmas dinner. It felt very strange not to have him there with us, luckily we always have a Boxing day meal so he was able to make it to that. It was almost like another Christmas day, except Mum had had to travel back to Cornwall for work which was a shame.

I got some Amazing gifts which I'm completely chuffed with but I'll have to take some photo's of them and tell you about them another day as I don't want make this post too long and boring! 

This is one of the little gifts I made for Mum that I couldn't show you before, do you like it?

Right, off to my bed now. Hopefully I'll have a chance to come on here again tomorrow as I have lots to show you.



  1. Lovely photos!! The hexie blanket looks fab (I really like the colours!!) and I love the mug cosie - that yarn is gorg!!

    You probably know this already but "nature" makes babies clingy around the same time they become more mobile - that way at the very time they can wander off, they don't actually want to....

    Your poor great-Granddad, what a shame he missed his Christmas dinner, I hope he's all better now.

    Hope you have a lovely New Years Eve!!


    S x

  2. Lovely to see you had a great Christmas. Sorry to hear about Great Grandad's fall....hope he's much better now x Thank you so much for the care you put into my Advent gifts! They were all fab especially the handmade ones....they were all gorgeous!!!

    Hope you have a peaceful New Year x

    Jo x x x

  3. Your blanket looks lovely what a lovely gift to receive. Sounds like you had a nice day.'s nice to have family together isn't it? It's amazing you have a Great-great grandad, hope he is completely better now.

    Happy new year!

  4. well done on the blanket, it's lovely and a cute mug hug too. Rose is beautiful and it looks like you had a very special 1st Christmas. Hope your G-G-Grandad is better now x

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