
Monday 5 December 2011

Brrrrr.... it's a bit nippy out there isn't it!!

Isn't it cold outside now!

Rose and I walked into town to get a few Christmas bits and it was freezing! It must definitely be winter now, surely...

When we got back, after lunch I attempted to sit down and get on with some Christmas presents.

But as usual, a little somebody came straight over wanting to play! She can be so happy playing with some of her toys and then as Soon as I sit down, she's right next to me crying out for attention... not that she already get's attention allll day long or anything!

The end result: No knitting, cuddles with baby instead. Not that I mind realllyy! :-)

We've had a break-through today, we've mastered walking along with the Vtech walker toy. The furniture is getting a good bashing though!

Right, I'm going to go and attempt some knitting again... wish me luck!



  1. Oh Ashley, she is so so beautiful. I can't believe she's walking about now! I think I'd much prefer cuddles with your baby than knitting! I'm really hoping to be able to see you guys soon. There's snow on the mountain here, so I'm thinking its definately winter. Hope you're all wrapped up warm.xxxxxxx

  2. My little Thomas is the same, he will play while I`m doing housework but as soon as I sit down to stitch or knit he is either climbing on me or handing me lots of books to read! hehe

  3. Oooooh, look at that smile!! There's no way you could resist!!!!

    Make the most of it, mine always moan now when *I* ask them for a cuddle!!

    S x

  4. Definately winter here too!
    I wonder if you got any knitting done?

  5. what a cutie, such a lovely smile and I love the photo of her 'crash' walking

  6. aww... she is so cute......bless her!


  7. She is looking so different with darker longer hair. Can't wait to see you guys at Christmas. Oh well. Off to work for the evening. My Chrimbo presents are going well. Especially the 'home made hand made, stitched with love' ones ;0) (if you know what I mean) xx

  8. Ooooh Rose! You are a cutie!!! :D Not long and it looks like she'll be off! Loving the look of what you're knitting :)

    Jo x x x

  9. So cute! My children are 6 and 3 and they still follow me round the house demanding attention! It's what we're there for though, I guess.
    Hope you're keeping warm x

  10. I know what you mean about it being cold, though at least no ice down here yet. Rose is so totally gorgeous cannot wait till Wednesday lots of cuddles coming up from Cornwall. I like the cable, you are definitely motoring along with it,I may get you to teach me while I am up. Rose definitely has the most amazing smile and is growing up so quickly, lots of lovely dark hair.
    Lots of love
    Mum xxxxxx

  11. Aww what a sweetie! Better teach her to knit as soon as possible :)x

  12. Like your pictures, she is so gorgeous. We have the same happen in our household, I then feel guilty at trying to crack on with jobs when I could be playing - but also conscious that she has tons of my attention. Probably too much at times if that is possible -I can't help myself!
    Don't they change at a ridiculous pace, it is fascinating...
    Nelly x

  13. Your little Rose is such a cutie!!! Your knitting project looks great, can't wait to see more :-)

  14. Rose is a little star, you should get her her own project bag with some ends of wool to play with (not whole balls, can you imagine the mess!) then she could join in with knitting....lovely she's toddling too, my youngest loved the walker in fact it was worn out by him as it was constantly in use.

    Have a lovely week!

  15. What a gorgeous little girl you have! I've stumbled across your blog through Sew Sweet Violet and will be back to hear more of your stories. My aunt used to have a caravan at Bracklesham Bay and we used to stay there every year and go to Chichester a lot, what a lovely place to live xx

  16. Oh i remember those days when my children were crawling round up to mischeif,actually there just the same now !!x
