
Sunday 24 July 2011

Another thing to tick off the list.. and a first time to the beach!

I've had so many different projects on the go for some time now and I just kind of got to the point where I wanted to feel the satisfaction of getting some things finished again. I started with the baby shrug for Rose that I finished the other day, I lovvvee it and am so glad I made the effort to finish it off.

I then decided that I would finish making my patchwork cushion cover that I began sewing over a year ago! I got the idea to do it from my Cath Kidston 'SEW' book and I've had the half sewn together hexagons stashed away with all my other crafty bit and bobs for ages. I got them out a few day's ago and have been speedily connecting all the hexagons together, the materials are all by CK and it's now in pride of place on my sofa! Sorry the picture's a bit crummy.. It was miserable and raining outside so there wasn't much natural light.

We've had a lovely couple of day's here.. it's been Sunny!! Shock horror!
Rose had her first visit to the beach. :-) It was gorgeous weather so thought it would be a great opportunity to head to the beach... time for me to brave it in a bikini! :S Those poor people on the beach, having to look at my pale body! Not to mention the last time I wore a bikini, the skin on my belly was a whole lot less wobbly!

I'm not sure why but the photo's make it look like it was a dull and miserable day... It looks more like I'm a crazy lady wearing a bikini in winter! I thought she's hate the cold water but she didn't seem at all fussed, she even sat down in it.. and smiled!

I've been given the Kreative blogger award by the lovely Nelly at Nelly's Eggs, I was having a bit of a tough morning with a cranky Rose at the time, so it was a great pick me up! I've done it once before, but I'll try and think of some more facts about myself...

1) I lovvvee musicals. When I was living in London Ray and I went to the West End to see many musicals. My favourites so far have been Les Miserables and Sister Act, I've loved the Sister Act films since I was a kid but I wasn't sure if the musical would be good or not, but it was amazzingg. I came out of the theatre that night on complete high!

2) I'm allergic to black rubber. I know, sounds really dodgy doesn't it!? But it's really not very interesting.. my feet come up in blisters when I wear some kinds of shoes, usually flip-flops.

3) I had a home birth with Rose and it was the best decision I ever made. I was incredibly lucky that everything went to plan and I was able to have her in my 'Birth pool in a box' from Ebay! Although it was a Little strange having a huge blue swimming pool-like thing in our front room for the week before I had her!

4) I suck at growing my own vegetables. Flowers are alright... most of them stay alive once I own them, but vegetables... well my runner beans produce about 2 runner beans a month! And my lettuces are munched all the way down to stumps by slugs and snail, even though I've put down slug pellets. I don't know how they get to them!

5) Ummmm... well, I can't think of anything else right now I'm afraid.

I'm going to pass on this award to Sarah at ShabbyChicSarah at Gem at Treasures from the cherry tree.
I know that both these lovely ladies have received the award already, so don't expect them to do the questions.. but I wanted to give it to a couple of blogs that I'm really enjoying reading at the moment.

Right, I'm off to bed now as we have another busy day tomorrow. We have a christening to go to, we've all been asked to bring a dish and I've made a pasta salad called 'Deli Pasta salad' and surprisingly... I'm very happy at how it turned out!



  1. Hi Ashely
    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog. It's nice to get to know you through your facts, I wish I could of had a home birth but it got complicated with Alice so I had to have her in Brighton's Royal Sussex Hospital.
    I love your patchwork cusion, I have that CK book too and was inspired to make my own but then got distracted with knitting... so that's another one on hold in the WIP pile!! Have a great Sunny-day and see you soon xox Penelope

  2. Cushion looks lovely Ash. And so did you in the more revealing photo of you on the beach in 'The Biniki@ You should be very proud of how had you have worked to get off the Baby weight, I know I am xx

    Love you lots xx

  3. I absolutely love the cushion!
    Very sweet pictures of your little Rose in the water.
    Isabelle x

  4. No way, a home birth, if we ever get pregnant again you'll need to be telling me some more about that! We considered it but I think in the end I didn't dare with our first. Loved the idea of it though and also the birth pool.
    Also hate slugs, they would definitely be in my room 101. They are one of the few creatures I genuinely don't mind killing (oh and also wasps),
    Nelly xxx

  5. Ashley thanks soooo much!! I'm chuffed to bits!!

    I can't tell you how wonderful it is to know that people enjoy my ramblings, after feeling a bit ambivalent to start with I am now absolutely loving blogging and all the lovely, lovely friends I am making!!

    S x

  6. Congrats on the award, very well deserved!great to find out a bit more about you too.
    Looks like Rose enjoyed the seaside!
