
Sunday 22 May 2011

Little snapshots..

A few images to show you what has been making me happy today..

No.1 ~ A bunch of freshly cut roses from my garden, arranged in a lovely jug that I use for a vase. They smell just divine.. and look so yummy. So they will be put in pride of place on our dining room table to enjoy whilst we eat.

No.2 ~ The first strawberry that is beginning to turn red..! It's the first time that we've grown strawberry's in the garden and I'm just so excited for when I can taste the first one that is ready. There aren't loads and loads of strawberry's on the plants, so we will still have to buy them from the shops.. but it's pretty exciting to have some of our own..!

No.3 ~ One of my favourite places in my house.. my shelf of craft books. I never seem to find the time to get around to making a lot of the things that I desperately want to, but when I get a moment I love to sit down and flick through some of the lovely images inside.

No.4 ~ A small amount of my yarn stash.. It all looks so so scrummy and I need to think of things to do/make with a lot of it. But it's lovely knowing I have it all there ready for me when I get around to using it all! I've made myself make a promise that I won't buy myself any more yarn. I just don't need it! But I alway's seem to come across something that I 'just must have'!

    No.5 ~ Little Rosebud's tootsies.. It so hard to get a clear picture when she's kicking them all over the place! She's just got all this energy from somewhere..! The shoes are new, as we had lots of smaller sized one's but they just weren't fitting her anymore.. I can't believe how quickly she is growing.

No.6 ~ A lovely card which also came with a letter, to go in Rose's room from her God-mother and my bestest friend. I just love the googely eye's!

No.7 ~ A lovely parcel arrived a few day's ago from my mum in the post, inside was the most gorgeous dress for Rose to wear this summer.. a hand-painted card which is now up on display in her room and a surprise for me, a lovely easy to read 'chick-lit' book for me to enjoy when I find some free time!

Well, that's all from me for now.. back to the housework!



  1. Hi found you through blog hopping on tales from cuckooland,thought Id just say hi as I love crochet too and always love to find new blogs on crochet. love your blog.juliexx

  2. Ah, what a lovely post - it's so good to appreciate the small things, gives you so much more to smile about.
    Thank you for the info re the header - I will def give that website a go - yours looks great, so I've got high hopes!
    Emily x

  3. I spy a book that I would like to borrow xxx

  4. Lovely roses, I love roses but I hate the green fly and rust ours are blighted with each year.

    Did I spy the Cath Kidston knitting needle roll there? Do you knit with the wooden needles it comes with? I'm literalluy just learning to knit properly, i started on Saturday and I quite fancy that needle case...


  5. What book would that be Lettie..?! xxx
