
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Blog award!

I am so so happy to have received a blog award from Nicki at homebird!
It put a big cheesy grin on my face when the e-mail beeped through onto my blackberry during a long car drive today.. I didn't ever think that anyone would pass one of these things on to me on my little blog.
So, thank you very much Nicki xxx

Sooo here goes, 10 facts about myself..!

1. I had to hitch-hike to my own wedding. We had hired a big posh classic car, but just as we got to the outskirts of the town where the church was, the car got a flat tyre. My step-dad managed to get a couple of cars to pull over and take us the rest of the way to the service!

2. I have an addiction to all things ‘Cath Kidston’… I really should limit myself. But it’s just all so lovely! I have a lot of things from the shop, it didn’t really help when they opened a CK shop here in town..! I haven’t actually been inside for a little while, I’ve managed to keep myself away! My fave wedding gift was my CK duvert and pillowcase set. : )

3. I lovvvee Nutella chocolate spread. I’m on Slimming World at the moment, trying to lose my baby weight and even though I’m very close to target.. Nutella is my weakness and I just can’t resist!

4. I lived in London for a year, but hated it. I’m just a country bumpkin at heart and love the countryside. Even though we technically live in a city at the moment, it’s very green around here. We’re here for the next two years but after this we will hopefully be moving further West, to where I’m from.

5. I love gardening. I’ve only just got my own garden recently and have loved learning what to do out there. It’s so lovely when you put in a tiny plant and suddenly lots of lovely flowers start to appear from nowhere.

6. I reeaally like the smell of Pledge furniture polish. I probably use a bit too much of it when I’m doing the polishing. I just love the smell of it, a bit like petrol.. now I just sound really weird!

7. I cannot sing to save my life! I stay away from singing lullaby’s to Rose at bedtime.. I think if was just upset her..!

8. I am one extremely accident-prone person. I’ve broken my wrist and collarbone, and have had to have stitches on other various occasions. I walk into the corner of our bed at least once every couple of day’s…

9. I'm scared of the dark. I Hate walking in the dark on my own... I have a very good imagination and always think of the worse things that could happen. I always think that someone may be following me..! Silly I know.. But when I turn off all the lights at night to go up to bed, I have to do them in order and when the last one goes off, I walk Very briskly up the stairs!
10. My favourite chocolate treat is a creme egg! They’re so ridiculous sweet and sugary.. but I just love them and could eat a Lot of them!

So, there you go..! You now know quite a few thing's about me!

And so, to pass the award on.. (I don't actually know how many people I'm supposed to pass it on to..)

I'm going to pass it on to:
Jacey at Coffee 'n' crochet and Penelope at L is for Love

(Two great blogs which I love reading..)



  1. Hello, another Cath Kidston addict waving to you from over here! I LOVE all her stuff, it's so gorgeous.

    How funny about the singing, I am not a good singer either but we merrily tear through 7 or 8 songs every night, though lately Brooke has started telling me she wants to sing on her own, maybe she is trying to tell me something...!

  2. Hello, thanks so much for visiting my blog, nice to meet you and thank you very much for the generous award, you are very kind. I have only just received this award from Victoria over at hook and yarn and now really needto get move on with my 10 facts, not always easy is it :0) Your blog is just beautiful and your Rosebed even more beautiful. I look forward to following you xox Penelope

  3. Ooops sooooo sorry I meant to say Rosebud ! I type too fast and make too many mistakes!!! Sorry x

  4. Don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing about CK here!
    Cadbury Creme egg McFlurry, now yer talkin'!
    I could do with you telling me what to do and when to do it in my garden. I'm hopeless and I don't enjoy it because it fails all the time. Things don't grow or get eaten. For two people who don't get on with gardening (I have brown fingers) it's rather stupid that we have almost 2 acres. It makes me knackered just thinking about least I have a bit of help through the summer. I'm hoping when the little ones ar a bit older I'll get more time to tend it and grow to like it a little.


  5. I'm scared of the dark too! Had to have huge chunks of wall knocked out on our staircase because the lights were bizarre - you could only switch the stair lights on and off at the bottom of the seriously cannot pay me to walk up the stairs in the dark. Aren't we funny.

    I have always been told never to give lifts to hitch-hikers but I'm fairly sure I'd have squeezed you and your step-pop into my little Mini to get you to the church on time!

    Nicki xx
