
Saturday 23 April 2011

Ta-dahh for my baby ripple blanket!

Hi everybody and Hello from Rose..!

Well, isn't is just lovely to start and finish a project within a relatively short amount of time. I started this blanket around 2 weeks ago and flitted between it and a couple of other crochet WIP's that I also had on the go and just finished it 2 day's ago.

Usually I find that a blanket takes such a long time to do.. it's really lovely when you finally finish it and get that real feeling of satisfaction. But sometimes it's just nice to get that instant gratification. Know what I mean? I know that it's on the smaller side of things as it's a baby blanket.. alright, a little bit of a Big baby blanket. But where as my hexagons seem to take a such a longgg time to do, with the ripples you can just ripple ripple ripple away and before you know it, you've gone and got a whole load of stripes finished..!

I suppose I got the blanket finished a little faster than usual because I have been working away on it whilst feeding Rose in the middle of the night. It's the perfect blanket to be crocheting at night time because your working with one colour for quite a while, so there's no fussing around chopping and changing colours in semi-darkness. No getting myself in a tangle with numerous balls of wool flying around the bed, everything's a bit more awkward when you have a baby attached to you... I speak from experience..!

You like?

I did plan to have the stripes going in the opposite direction.. but as I was a little too generous with my starting chain, it was a little too wide. Instead of being a baby blanket it was starting to look like it could fit a single bed! So I made the decision to have it around the other way and I'm starting to get used to it now..

I decided I would have a red edging for Rose's blanket.. I don't know if it was anything about a red rose that influenced my decision, but I really rather like it..! Plus, I didn't want it to look too girly.. if Rose ever has a little brother, then I'd like him to be able to use it too.

 See... She likes it..! : )

Okay.. I'm going to go and carry on with my crochet granny bunting.. I'm really enjoying making it and can't wait to get it hanging in my kitchen.



  1. Can you please share how you did the border? Ive been trying to figure it out !

  2. Your blanket looks lovely, Rose looks really happy with it!

  3. How about explaining how to crochet while nursing?? I am also spending quite big chunks of my nights breastfeeding my 2-months old son, but i need at least one hand to hold him!! I crochet with my imagination, in the meantime ;-)
