
Tuesday 5 April 2011

Mother's day gift.

I've been wanting to write this post for a little while now, but I couldn't write a 'Tah-dahh.!' post for this project until Mothers Day had been and gone, as I needed to wait for Mum to receive her gift in the post. Apparently she Lovvess it..! I hope that really Is the case and she does really like it!

I started the main granny squares that make up the front of the cushion back in August of last year, but I didn't get very far with them.. I wasn't sure if I really did like them enough..

I knew I wanted to make something really pretty from them though. So when I realised Mother's day was coming up, I thought I could make the perfect present for my Mum..!  : )

I wanted to make the cushion look a little more interesting to look at so I added on some crocheted flowers, I got the pattern for them from here. I didn't starch them before I sewed them on, which I probably should have because they do look a little bit wibbely wobbely! Well, I think so anyway!

I thought an edging on the blanket would finish it off nicely and I chose to use this pattern.. I was actually really happy with the result and I think it makes the cushion look a lot nicer and more feminine.

For the back I just crocheted a really big Granny square and then joined three of the sides together, as I was doing the edging. On the opening edge I crocheted two lots of the edging on both sides and then decided that I would use three lovely big pink buttons to fasten it up. They don't match.. but I think that makes it a little more quirky.

Here is the finished cushion on my sofa..! I do have to admit, I'm reeallly happy with the end result and wouldn't actually have minded having it live in my front room, instead of Mum's!
But I'm very happy to give it away to her..     : )     xxxxxxx

Right, off to bed now before Rose wakes up for a middle of the night feed... it's her first night in the big girl cot tonight..! Scary! Well... just scary for me really as it's going to feel so strange not having her sleeping beside me in her Moses basket.. I may wake up and wonder where she's got to!



  1. You're wondering if Mum liked it? Shall I let you into a secret? She like it so much she cried. And it lives on her sofa in her kitchen.

    She loves it xx

  2. Maybe I wasn't meant to tell you that xx have a look at Mum's blog, what do you think?
