
Thursday 28 April 2011

Granny bunting and other lovely things..

Tonight I finished all of my bunting! I've chained it all together with white yarn but it was too dark to take any photo's.. but I will get it hung up tomorrow and then I can show you some pictures of it hanging pride of place in our kitchen. I'm so excited to see it up..!

I used Debbie Bliss DK cotton and I have to say, it's sooo nice to work with. So smooth and it all stays so well together and doesn't seperate at all. I've got a bit of each colour left and I think I might make a matching crochet jar jacket from Attic24 to go next to our calendar in the kitchen, at the moment the jar that the pens live in is currently very bare and needs some brightening up..!

Even though I have quite a few other WIP's on the go at the moment.. I've been browsing through this loveelllyy book I got a little while ago. There is a cardigan in there that is So gorgeous, I may just have to start knitting it for Rose..!

Do you like my new place mats?! A bargain from Matalan of all places.. they're are just so pretty. : ) They definitely do brighten up our meal times..!



  1. Hello, thanks for popping into andcommenting on my blog, nice to meet you. I love your pretty crochet bunting, heavenly Debbie Bliss DK is the best to crochet with. Your baby Rose is gorgeous too, I wish I knitted and did crochet when Alice was a baby, there is nothing lke handmade knitted baby cardigans / jumpers. Enjoy family time this weekend xox

  2. Hi Ashley
    Love the bunting - looking forward to seeing it up. That yarn is gorgeous to work with, isn't it?
    Thank you for visiting me - it's nice to meet you (in a cyberspace way!)
    Emily x

  3. I love love love the granny bunting :)
